The mission of the Los Angeles County Department of Arts and Culture is to advance arts, culture, and creativity throughout LA County. We fulfill our mission by providing services and support in areas including grants and technical assistance for nonprofit organizations; professional development opportunities; commissioning civic artworks and managing the County’s civic art collection; implementing countywide arts education initiatives; research and evaluation; career pathways in the creative economy; free community programs; and cross sector creative strategies that address civic issues. This work is framed by the County’s Cultural Equity and Inclusion Initiative and a longstanding commitment to fostering access to the arts.

OGP Reporting 101 Webinar
April 24, 2024

Creating Connections: An Arts and Culture Framework and Toolkit
July 27, 2024News

国内安卓怎么样正确的使用GooglePlay? - 知乎:2021-5-19 · 大家都知道,国内googleplay因为各种各样的原因会被限制,但是很多安卓的用户还是会前赴后继的去找各种辅助软件去用GooglePlay。这个操作其实蛮复杂的,需要谷歌套件、加速器等等不同的辅助软件。不知道大家有没有…

Strengthening Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Arts and Culture Sector for All Los Angeles County Residents
April 05, 2017Research